Monday, February 14, 2011

Things have to change...

I'm discouraged. Discouraged with what materialism has done to American culture. Discouraged with what American culture has done to the face of missions. Discouraged that there are still 2.8 billion unreached people in the world. Will I be able to go reach them? Will people be willing to give their money, resources, time, or even their prayers to help? 

I started reading "Radical" by David Platt. In the book, he discusses how the American dream has changed Christianity in America. Jesus NEVER said that following him would be easy and comfortable, but yet, as Americans we let comfort take over our thinking. We think that we need multi-million dollar buildings, theater style seats, and advanced technology to go to church. What ever happened to being in God's presence? Now, I'm not saying that these churches are bad, but what are their priorities? When there are thousands of people dying everyday without hearing the name of Jesus and we spend the majority of our money on comfort, that just seems wrong. Most churches across the globe do not get to worship in comfort--they just worship. Many have to risk their lives to worship. These churches are growing rapidly, but the American church is becoming like the European church--dead, post modern, etc. 

I want to go into the world and reach the lost, but if my fellow Americans aren't willing to obey, get their priorities in line with God's priorities, and have the same heart for the lost, that makes things very difficult and it is unlikely that I can go and serve. It says in John 14:15, "If you love me, you will keep my commands." Jesus said to go! He said to give cheerfully! He said to pray without ceasing! When are we going to start listening? 

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