Your dad says he wants to take you on a hike to the top of a mountain. You've never really hiked before and don't know what to expect. Your dad has been doing this for years, and you trust him to take care of you so you agree to go with him.
You start this hike and discover quickly that it wasn't as easy as you thought it'd be. There are lots of rocks that are hard to walk on. Rushing rivers are in your path that you must cross. You fall down. You get beat up. You're tired and just want to turn around and go back home to your simple, easy life. No more of this hiking nonsense. You don't know what you're doing so why try?
Then you look at your dad. He's climbing the rocks with ease, the rushing water did not move him, he is not tired or weary. You were trying to climb the mountain out of your own strength, but your dad wanted to do this journey with you and be your strength. He knows there is no way you could do it on your own, that's why he came along. You realize this and cry out, "Dad, help me," and he stretches out his hand and takes hold of yours.
You continue to climb to the top. The path turns rocky, but your dad clears the path and makes it smooth for you. You come to another rushing river and he picks you up and carries you across. Day turns into night, but he knows just where to go. He says gently, "Don't be afraid. I'm not going to leave you, just stay close to me." You slip but he catches you. You are beginning to get frustrated because you've been climbing for so long and it's not getting easier. You're seeing just how weak you are and how dependent you're having to be on your dad. You want to do it on your own. You are exhausted, but your dad tells you to rest your head on his shoulder. He reminds you of how much he loves you, tells you how proud he is of you and is so glad that you came with him on this journey. He knows it's tough. He's done it all before and can sympathize with your pain and welcomes you to tell him how you're feeling. You say, "Why is it so hard? I'm beat up, my feet hurt, and I can't keep going. It hurts too much. I thought you were going to make it easier. You're not tired at all and here I am crying because I can't seem to muster the strength to keep going."
Your dad looks at you with his loving eyes and tells you to look down the mountain. "Look how far you've come, child," he says. "Remember what the journey was like before you cried out to me and what it was like after that." You look at your bruised body, feel the sweat pouring down your face, see your torn up shoes, and then you look at your father. He's as strong as ever, still inviting you to come to the top. He brought you up this far and there is no way you can go back now. He's been there the whole time and promised he wasn't going anywhere. He said he'll carry you when you're weak, will delight in you always, and is just so excited that you're spending this time with him. It brings him such great joy. He didn't promise that the rest of the climb is going to be easy, but he'll make a way. He's hoping that this climb becomes one of joy for you, knowing in the end you will have the most beautiful view and story of how your father brought you into glory. A story of a strong, loving father and his dearly loved child climbing this mountain together hand in hand.
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