So, right now I'm sitting in Starbucks in Vienna and outside the window is the opera house. I'm loving this view and being able to watch the people walk by and see the beauty of the diversity of this city. God is so creative. I love it!
I've been reading a chapter of Mark and John everyday to see how Jesus presents himself to others and how I can best present him to the people I come in contact with. This morning I was reading Mark 5 and came across the story with the woman with the issue of blood. This story really hit me hard. This woman had been sick for 12 years and she had heard about Jesus and thought that if she could just touch his garment she'd be healed. So that is what she did. She got down on the ground and touched Jesus' cloak and just like she believed, she was healed. Jesus said to her, "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering."
This story is significant for several reasons:
1. How cool is it that Jesus calls her daughter?! We are so loved by Him that He calls us His children. The parent, child relationship is one of the most precious things there is. This is where our identity rests. You are a child of the King of Kings!
2. This woman's faith healed her. She had been sick for 12 years. If I were her, I would have been so discouraged and just given up. But not her. She was convinced that Jesus could heal her and simply by just touching his clothes! If this woman believed that, why don't I believe in God more? God is so much bigger than any and all of my problems, but so often I think that He isn't capable of fixing them and that I have to take matters into my own hands. I desire to have healing faith. I want to be so desperate for Jesus that all I know how to do is have faith in Him. I want to fall at His feet with fear and trembling and tell Him everything and believe wholeheartedly that He can save me from whatever I may be going through.
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