This weekend I was in Philadelphia for my Intern Training Weekend with World Harvest Mission. Not only was it great to meet my teammates and all the other interns, but I learned a lot about the Lord.
This is 4/5 girls on the Vienna team. From left to right: Amanda, Allie (aka Big Al), Brie, and Alli. Missing: Eva
These girls are so great and I'm so excited to serve the Lord with them this summer. During the course of the weekend, we discovered our shared love for the TV show Friends, shopping, people, food, music and Jesus.
We talked a lot this weekend about our brokenness as human beings and our need to come to the Father. So often times we perform to appear holy and pretend to not be as sinful as we actually are. We see this displayed in Luke 18:9-14 in the story of the Pharisee and the tax-collector. The Pharisee was saying "Thank God that I am not like this tax-collector" proclaiming to be more righteous than this man. The tax-collector heard this and could not even look up to heaven and said "God, have mercy on me a sinner." How often do we come that broken to the Father? The great thing is that despite our sin, we are loved by the Father the same as how He loves Jesus because He sees Jesus in us. God wants to start a revolution in me though my brokenness!
To go along with this story, we talked about the lost son. Jeff (our speaker for the weekend) talked about his experiences overseas and how there were times when he was absolutely in love with where he was and other times he hated it and was questioning why God ever brought him there. I'm sure that I will have these same feelings too. Thankfully, even in my darkest places, my Heavenly Father is always there and He never changes. I'm rejoicing in the fact that God chooses to use us as instruments of His peace and righteousness in spite of our sin. He is so good!
It was so refreshing to get away from Northwestern for a few days. The Lord is going to do some awesome things in and through all the interns at World Harvest Mission this summer. Keep looking on my blog and Facebook page for updates!
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