Thursday, April 28, 2011

Why We Need To Throw Out The Term "Good Christian" by Francis Chan

I think it's time we stop asking ourselves the question: "Am I a good Christian?" We live in a time when the term "Christian" has been so diluted that millions of immoral but nice people genuinely consider themselves "good Christians." We have reduced the idea of a good Christian to someone who believes in Jesus, loves his or her family, and attends church regularly. Others will label you a good Christian even though your life has no semblance to the way Christ spent His days on earth. Perhaps we should start asking the question: "Am I a good Christ?" In other words, do I look anything like Jesus? This question never even entered my mind until a friend of mine made a passing comment to me one day.
Dan is a long time friend of mine. In fact, he's the pastor who performed my wedding. He was talking to me about a pastor named Von. Von has been working with youth in the San Diego area for decades. Many of his students have gone on to become amazing missionaries and powerful servants of God. Dan described a trip to Tijuana, Mexico, with Pastor Von. (Von has been ministering to the poor in the dumps of Tijuana for years.) Dan didn't speak of the awful living conditions of those who made their homes amidst the rubbish. What impacted Dan the most was the relationship he saw between Von and the people of this community. He spoke of the compassion, sacrifice, and love that he witnessed in Von's words and actions as he held these malnourished and un-bathed children. Then he made the statement that sent me reeling:
"The day I spent with Von was the closest thing I've ever experienced to walking with Jesus."
Dan explained that the whole experience was so eerie because he kept thinking to himself: "If Jesus were still walking on Earth in the flesh, this is what it would feel like to walk alongside of Him!" After that discussion, I kept wondering if anyone had ever said that about me-"The day I spent with Francis was the closest thing I've ever experienced to walking with Jesus." The answer was an obvious "no." Would any honest person say that about you?
What bothered me was not that I hadn't "arrived," but that I wasn't even heading in the right direction. I hadn't made it my goal to resemble Christ. I wasn't striving to become the kind of person who could be mistaken for Jesus Christ. Isn't it ironic that a man can be known as a successful pastor, speaker, and CHRISTian even if his life doesn't resemble Christ's?

1 John 2:6 "Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did."
When John made that statement, he wasn't speaking about how to be a church leader or even how to be a "good" Christian. He merely stated that anyone who calls himself Christian must live like Jesus did. So how did Jesus live? You could make a list of character traits to compare yourself to, but it would be far more beneficial to simply read through one of the Gospels. After you get a bird's-eye view of the life of Christ, do the same with your own. Are you comfortable with the similarities and differences?
It's easy to get caught up in the pursuit of "success" as American churchgoers define it. The thought of being well known and respected is alluring. There have been times when I've been caught up in the fun of popularity. I've even mistaken it for success. Biblically, however, success is when our lives parallel Christ's. Truth is there are many good Christs that you'll never read about in a magazine. They are walking as Jesus walked, but they are too focused and humble to pursue their own recognition.
May we make it our goal to someday have someone say of us: "The day/hour/15 minutes I spent with ______ was the closest thing I've ever experienced to walking with Jesus."
As Christians in America, we often complain about how antagonistic people are toward Christ. Personally, I'm not sure that Americans are really rejecting Christ. Maybe they just haven't seen Him.
Try to be COMPLETELY honest with yourself right now. Is the following true of you?
You passionately love Jesus, but you don't really want to be like Him. You admire His humility, but you don't want to be THAT humble. You think it's beautiful that He washed the feet of the disciples, but that's not exactly the direction your life is headed. You're thankful He was spit upon and abused, but you would never let that happen to you. You praise Him for loving you enough to suffer during His whole time on Earth, but you're going to do everything within your power to make sure you enjoy your time down here.
In short: You think He's a great Savior, but not a great role model.
The American church has abandoned the most simple and obvious truth of what it means to follow Jesus: You actually follow His pattern of life. I pray for those who read this article- that we don't become cynical or negative toward the church. Instead, let's make a personal decision to stop talking so much and begin living like Jesus. Then we can say as the Apostle Paul, "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ." (1 Corinthians 11:1) My guess is that you've never had someone say that to you, and you've never said it to anyone else. Why Not? 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


1 Timothy 6:6-19

 6 But godliness with contentment is great gain. 7 For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. 8 But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. 9 Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.
 11 But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. 12 Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses. 13 In the sight of God, who gives life to everything, and of Christ Jesus, who while testifying before Pontius Pilate made the good confession, I charge you 14 to keep this command without spot or blame until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, 15 which God will bring about in his own time—God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords, 16 who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honor and might forever. Amen.
 17 Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. 18 Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. 19 In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.

Thinking about money the past few days has been draining. With trying to figure out school loans, support for my internship and summer work, it has just been exhausting. I've felt convicted about worrying about this. Like verse 17 says, put your hope in God who richly provides! God has my finances in order. He has everything in order. Why am I putting my hope in the government to increase my financial aid when I should be putting my hope in the Lord, the one certain thing in this world? 

I desire godliness with contentment. I have Jesus and that is all I need. Why isn't this people's mindset? He has provided everything I need and more for the past 19 years of my life, will He not continue to provide? I think yes! He has provided so much for me and in this passage it is clear that the rich are to be generous and willing to share. I am rich, despite what our culture defines as rich monetarily, and more importantly I am rich in Christ. I need to share more whether that means financially, with my time, or with my prayers. We need to share not only our physical things, but share spiritual things. We need to share our faith with others. We cannot stay silent. We cannot keep to ourselves. We cannot be selfish. Share your things. Share your love. Share Christ. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

What is man that You are mindful of him?

When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. You make him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet: all flocks and herds and the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, al that swim in the paths of the seas. O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! --Psalm 8:3-9

Last Sunday I saw the video How Great is Our God, a message by Louie Giglio. In this 40 minute video, he talked about the glory of God that shines in His creation. It was a lesson in science and although I'm not a huge science person, I was in awe of the things he presented. He basically said we are most definitely a vapor in this universe. We are so small in comparison to the things God has created in the universe, but in spite of this, God put His imprint on us. In Him all things hold together and He loves us more than we can comprehend. When watching this video, all I could think about is that I make myself out to be a big shot all the time, thinking that I am more important that a lot of other things. In reality, I am so small and unimportant, but through Christ I am important because He KNOWS me! I am a daughter of the King and He loves me enough to call me His child.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

What Is Your Focus?

The past few days have got me thinking about what in life is really important. What things do I spend most of my time doing? What consumes my thoughts? What things do I worry about (even though I'm not supposed to worry)? Do I "set my mind on things above and not on earthly things?" Colossians 3:2. This is a really tough subject because we live on this earth so it is hard to not think about the things that are in it. Yes family, career, and basic needs are important, but what is more important? Those earthly things or Christ? I vote Christ. Colossians 3 describes what holy living looks like:

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.  For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. Because of these, the wrath of God is coming. You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived. But now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. Here there is no Gentile or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.
Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Over the past few days a lot of political talk has come about. I'm not a huge fan of politics, but I do have opinions. Talking with people who don't necessarily agree with me is tough and can be hurtful, but what gets me is that a lot of Christians are consumed by politics. Politics, just like everything else on this earth, is going to be destroyed. It is an earthly matter and does not deserve so much of our thoughts and time.  We need to set our minds on things above--reach the lost and follow Christ! If people spent as much time trying to grow in relationship with the Lord and reach the lost as they did watching T.V., having political arguments (that will never be resolved), worrying, playing sports, shopping, etc. think of how much more effective we would be for the Kingdom! The great commission is to go and make disciples. It doesn't say sit on your couch in the comfort of your own home and let others do the work while you set your mind on earthly things. If you don't go, send! But regardless of what God has called you to do, obey and obey cheerfully. Being a true follower of Christ requires effort. We need to focus on things above! 

Friday, April 8, 2011

His Grace is Enough

The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever; he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. --Psalm 103:8-12

Wow! He is so gracious, so loving, so forgiving, so amazing. I think God is kind of crazy. I'm so thankful for His grace, mercy, forgiveness, etc. but I think He's crazy for giving it away! "He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities." That's insane! I can't even count how many times I have sinned and God still forgives. He still shows his grace towards me. I am so unworthy of it and honestly should be struck dead because I'm such a terrible sinner. Praise be to God for His mercy! Because of the knowledge I have of God (which is ever increasing, but will never end) I can't help but share my excitement! KNOWING God and FOLLOWING Him is the most important thing there is in this life. That is what we were created for. We are meant to be instruments of righteousness, not destruction.

In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will--to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace that he lavished on s with all wisdom and understanding.--Ephesians 1:5-8

Just acknowledging God isn't good enough. We're called to follow Him and cannot delay! The gospel calls for obedience because of the faith we have. You cannot have one without the other. People, if you don't know Jesus and what it means to follow him, ask me. This is the most important decision you will ever make in your life. True Christianity isn't easy, but trust me, there is nothing better and nothing more important.

For Grammy

I'm in Tulsa, Oklahoma right now. It's been over 10 years since I was here and it's nice to be back. Yesterday we spent the day honoring our family members by visiting their graves. We started the day with an internment service for my great grandma Dovie. Grammy passed away on December 26, 2010 at the ripe age of 95. Grammy was the definition of the Proverbs 31 woman. She was absolutely amazing and loved by everyone. One of my favorite memories of Grammy was playing dominos with her and sitting in her room eating chocolate with her.  I rejoice in the fact that she's dancing with Papa in heaven and is worshipping God with no more pain and will do so forevermore. It was so great to see places where Grammy grew up, meeting family I had never met before and touring Oklahoma.